Contrary to what some people may believe, drug abuse and drug addiction are not synonymous. People who abuse substances still exhibit negative behaviors such as neglecting responsibilities, engaging in dangerous activities, getting into legal trouble, and fighting with others. However, addiction causes the brain to actually change, resulting in an absolute need for the substance and an inability to go without. There are some common symptoms to look for when determining if you or a loved one need treatment from a center such asSherwood Hills Recovery Resort. Tolerance >
Most people addicted to substances find that they need more of the drug than they did previously. This is because the body builds up a tolerance, making it necessary to use more of the drug to get the same effects. Many people also feel the need to use the drug more often in order to keep feeling the effects of the drug. Inability to Stop
Individuals addicted to substances will often find that they are unable to control how much or how often they take the substance. No matter how much willpower is exerted, the need for the drug is so overpowering that attempts to stop are unsuccessful. The drug also becomes the answer to problems, such as emotional distress, physical ailments, relationship problems, and more. Constant Supply
Those addicted to certain drugs will do almost anything to obtain that substance and keep a supply, even if the money isn’t available. This may result in stealing money or drugs, or borrowing money that probably can’t be repaid. Abandoning Activities
Another common sign that indicates help from a treatment center such asSherwood Hills Recovery Resortis necessary, is that life revolves around drug use. Activities that were once enjoyed are abandoned, and life consists of getting and taking the substance. This occurs even when the individual knows that the drugs are harming him or her. Utah’s Premier Drug and Alcohol Addiction Treatment Facility ( Full Addiction Recovery is just a phone call away…855.443.0518. Confidential Admissions Counselors 24/7. Visit the page on Sherwood Hills Recovery Resort!