Tortoises and dragons have been known to be the two immensely powerful symbolic items of Feng Shui. The dragon alone has several symbolic meanings and it stands for wealth, positive energy, fertility and immortality, to mention a few. The dragon is believed to have a positive influence on humans according to the Chinese mythology.
The tortoise also has potential symbolic meaning and it represents permanence, of committed efforts and of premeditated actions that would lead to inevitable success. The unification of these two powerful symbols- the Dragon and the Tortoise results in the formation of one Feng Shui item that possesses the power of both these animals and brings in longevity and success.
The symbol of Dragon Tortoise is portrayed with the dragons head and the tortoises body. A tiny turtle is usually found on the tortoises shell at the back, and the Feng Shui item stands on precious metal ingots and coins piled up together. A coin can often be found inside the mouth of the dragon.
The Dragon tortoise happens to be one of the four ancient propitious animals dragon, tiger, phoenix and dragon tortoise. This Feng Shui Product is believed to have tremendous potential because of combined effects derived from its unique figure; which is the combination of a dragon and a tortoise. Dragon tortoises can bring in Gui Ren to your life, which means people who help. Gui Ren can be either your boss or colleagues, customers or anyone who can do good to you. Apart from that, this Feng Shui cure can also help in avoiding disasters and converting negative energy into valuable positive energy. But the major potential of the Dragon Tortoise lies in its ability to attract wealth.
The Dragon Tortoise which is the combination of two celestial animals of the four used in Feng Shui practice is an amazing combination that produces a well harmonized unification of enhancing qualities of both the dragon and the tortoise. This is one such traditional symbol that was used in ancient palaces to indicate peace, the emperors long life and prosperity, and the countrys steady rule. Today, this Feng Shui item is used in homes as a symbol of peace and harmony, long life, status and prosperity.
Dragon headed tortoise is commonly known as the Lou Shu and it is used in homes for protection, good fortune, success, prosperity and development.
Feng Shui items are to be placed in ideal positions to have its real benefits. A Dragon tortoise is to be placed in such locations where you need certain beneficial influences. Feng Shui is believed to have tremendous properties and there are several Feng Shui cures and Feng Shui enhancers to be availed in kits from Feng Shui Stores and shops. These kits contain almost all the Feng Shui remedies to help you gain maximum benefits.